Some More About Me


  • I am a journalist because I love people, and I love stories. There is nothing quite as captivating as a good story told well, and that is constantly what I’m striving toward — good stories about interesting people that will hopefully entertain you or make you think.

  • I currently hold a BS in Communications, Digital Journalism from Appalachian State University. I have also spent considerable time in both local and corporate newsrooms, and have learned how to adapt my writing to reach any audience.

    Trying to quickly reach parents regarding news about their local school district? I’ve done it.

    Trying to reach retirees to tell them about the best guided tours in their area? I’ve done that too.

    I’m also experienced in video-journalism.

    If you need a story told, I’ve got the tools to tell it.

  • I love when a story really connects the subject to the audience. I love that moment when the subject sees the story published, and starts to see the impact that their voice is having on their community, be that local or global. I love that I get to facilitate that feeling for the folks featured in my stories.

  • I’m glad you asked. It’s the Blues Brothers (1980) directed by John Landis and featuring John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd. Here is a link to my favorite scene — The Blues Brothers | Aretha Franklin Sings "Think"

My resume