Here’s a collection of some of my favorite stories I’ve written and contributed to. All of my clips can be found here.

This listicle I contributed to for Our State Magazine highlights some of North Carolina’s most unique guided tours. Interviewing these subjects allowed them to tell the audience in their own words what makes their services so special, and really connected with readers. This article performed very well on our digital platforms.

This article is incredibly special to me, as it’s the first full length feature article I ever pitched and published. My goal with this article was to inform our audience about Amber Nolan’s mission in a way that wouldn’t be dismissed as fluff or filler.

This is one of the most marketable stories I’ve contributed to, and one of my favorites. As a huge fan of the movies, I was thrilled to help get the word out about Appalachian Theatre’s 2023 summer lineup. The executive director of Appalachian Theatre, Suzanne Livesay, was palpably excited about this lineup, and I feel that was accurately depicted to the audience through the writing.